Suggestions for All Natural Hair Coloring

Women and men enjoy many aspects of their self-care routines, including changing hair color. With so much information that has been released in recent years regarding the harmful nature of the chemicals found in conventional hair dyes, more and more women are seeking out natural products to obtain the same look. Fortunately, there are some methods that have been around for hundreds and, sometimes, thousands of years. Utilizing these products has the assurance of time tested safety. Women can feel more free to enjoy their favorite hair colors without risking personal safety.

Shampoo for Corpses by Ken-ichi, on Flickr

For reds, browns, and even blue, you will use henna, indigo, or a combination of the two. You may include additional ingredients to alter the effect. You should know that not all products containing these ingredients are created the same. There are some that are premixed with other chemicals. Others use a variety of leaves in order to obtain consistent results. What is important is that you understand the exact instructions and cautions on any product you choose to put on your body, including your hair.

Henna has been used in the Arabian Peninsula and surrounding areas for thousands of years to create red dye. In addition to the dying effect, it also strengthens hair and provides a natural UV barrier. It provides a natural shine and kills lice and dandruff. Indigo is from the same reason of the world and has a blue dye. You are probably most familiar with it as a coloring product for denim. Both of these are plant based and chemical free dyes. They can be used alone or in varying combinations with each other. Amla can be added to it to provide a cooler look.

The more henna in the mixture, the greater the red tones. In equal parts, the hair will turn out brown. With primarily indigo, it will be a dark brown to black color. Amla can be added to any of these combinations to soften the colors. Some brands and products on the market will suggest using the henna first, followed by the indigo. Others will say to blend and apply together. Make certain to review the directions prior to beginning your application.

Usually, you will need to begin with clean dry hair. The henna will have been mixed with water and/or lemon juice and allowed to sit for a specified amount of time to release the dye. When you are ready, make certain you have all of the supplies you need first. You can apply the mix using a squeeze bottle or simply smearing it into your hair. You need to section your hair off with both methods to make certain you cover the entire length of every hair. You do not want to have uncolored roots when you are done. After covering your hair, the product will need to sit on your hair for a few hours, according to the directions. Make certain that you have something planned that you can do during this wait.

When using indigo, make certain that you are comfortable with the hair being darker for a long period of time. Once the product has had the opportunity to set it, it is very difficult to remove or color over. For best results at removing it, attempts should be made within the first twenty four hours.

If you want to lighten your hair, it is a bit different than creating a darker color. The easiest way is to apply lemon juice to your hair and spend some time in the sun. Hydrogen peroxide can help for some people but, only if their hair is light to begin with. Otherwise, it can turn odd shades of orange. You may also be able to find some natural hair lightening blends at your local health food store that you could spray into your hair in order to gradually lighten it.

Altering hair color is something that humans have enjoyed doing for thousands of years. If you use these products, you will be using the safest and most tested hair color products known to humankind. Now, all you need to do is decide which color you want to make your own hair.